How to include a Blog or Resource Page on Website?
One should always include or insert a Blog Page on their website so that the viewers who like to read blogs can definitely understand clearly while reading it. Say if you are writing a blog on your website, always remember to write the contents of Humans first and then easily optimize it for Search Engine. M ake sure that your keywords are included in your URL, Title, Meta Description and within the Content. Never ever use Stuff Keywords or you can say Repeated Keywords in a single content or blog. Also, you can use Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) for keywords which means you can use a similar meaning for that particular word. There are some examples for LSI and they are - Adwords, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Email Marketing, and Blogging. These are all related to Digital Marketing. One can easily include it as a Resource Page or Blog Page on their website.