How to include a Blog or Resource Page on Website?

One should always include or insert a Blog Page on their website so that the viewers who like to read blogs can definitely understand clearly while reading it. Say if you are writing a blog on your website, always remember to write the contents of Humans first and then easily optimize it for Search Engine.

Make sure that your keywords are included in your URL, Title, Meta Description and within the Content. Never ever use Stuff Keywords or you can say Repeated Keywords in a single content or blog. Also, you can use Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) for keywords which means you can use a similar meaning for that particular word.

There are some examples for LSI and they are - Adwords, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Email Marketing, and Blogging. These are all related to Digital Marketing. One can easily include it as a Resource Page or Blog Page on their website.


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