Blogging in Detail

Blogging is essential for building your career, sharing your knowledge with the world, getting discovered on the Internet, showcasing your talent to become popular on the Internet, and making some quick bucks on the Internet.

Let us know some basics of Blogs in details -

  • Choose a platform
  • Select a Domain Name and Hosting 
  • Design or Modify the blog
  • Add plugins
  • Start Writing
There are different ways to make money online with Blogging and those are as under -

1. Enroll with Advertisement Providers

  • Cost Per Click (CPC) or Pay Per Click (PPC) Ads
  • Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)
2. Direct Advertisements (Locate Advertisers)
  • Google
  • Check popular relevant blogs
  • Use advertising networks
3. Backlinks Commission
4. Writing Paid Reviews
5. Services and Digital Products (Sell Services)
  • E-commerce Blogs (Shopify, 3Dcart)
  • Fiverr
  • Gigbucks
  • Fourerr
  • Redlr
6. Affiliate Marketing (Types)
  • Pay Per Click (PPC)
  • Pay Per Lead (PPL)
  • Pay Per Sale (PPS)
  • Pay Per Performance (PPP)
7. Premium Membership
  • Allow Free Membership Downloads
  • Free Online Course
  • Online Publications
8. Sponsored Blog Posts

There are other ways to make money online and they are -

  1. Blogging
  2. YouTube (Details to be done will be explained on a separate blog)
  3. Make Products to sell (Hosted E-commerce Solution)
  4. Transcription Jobs (Transcribeme, Rev)
  5. Offers to upcycle or Recycle
  6. Design for websites (Upwork, Freelancer, People Per Hour)
  7. Freelance Writing
  8. Draw or Doodle (Fiverr, Doodlers Annonymous)
  9. Influencer Marketing
  10. Stock Photography (iStock Photo, Shutterstock, Getty Images)
  11. Online Survey (e-rewards, My Survey)
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